Friday, August 24, 2012
Health Tips for Signs of a Herniated Disk
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Health Tips for Kids to prevent from Asthma
HealthNFitness Tips for the parents of asthmatic children when the air quality is poor:
- Run the air conditioner, and don't let your child spend too much time outside.
- If your kids participate in outdoor activities, limit them to the early morning hours and away from high-traffic areas.
- Talk to your child's sports coach about practicing in an indoor, air conditioned environment on very hot days. Send your child to practice with a rescue inhaler, just in case.
- Ensure that your home is well-ventilated, use an air purifier and avoid wood-burning fires inside the home.
- Discuss your child's asthma action plan with the pediatrician.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Good Sleep Can Sharpen Your Memory
- Deep sleep is linked to storing memories.
- External stimulation during sleep can influence a complex skill.
- Electrophysiological signals measuring the brain events produce memory improvement during sleep.
- Sleep-based memory-processing involving other types of skills, habits and behaviors.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Health Tips to Walk at Work
HealthNFitness Tips: There are plenty of ways to squeeze in exercise and some social time at work without sacrificing productivity.

The suggestions are:
- Skip the coffee/smoke break and ask a co-worker to join you for a 15-minute walk.
- If you have a regular one-to-one meeting with a co-worker, make it a walking meeting.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and see how many co-workers will join you.
- Start up a workplace walking group to walk on breaks, during lunch and after work.
- Visit a bookstore, gallery or museum for a stroll.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Health Tips for Gardening Triggers Back Pain
HealthNFitness News: Gardening is a great form of exercise, but it can also leave you with a painful backache.

How to maintain garden without hurting yourself:
- Use correct posture and form.
- Warm up before you garden with a 10-minute walk.
- Make sure all of your movements are smooth and steady.
- Keep your abdominal muscles taut.
- Lift with your legs (never your back).
- Don't twist your back while digging.
- Breathe regularly. Exhale when you lift, and inhale as you lower a heavy load.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Health Tips to Store Insulin Properly
HealthNFitness Tips: Insulin is a lifesaver for many people with diabetes, but it must be stored correctly when not in use.
- Insulin typically is stored in the refrigerator, but it may be more painful when injected this way. Insulin stored at room temperature will last about a month.
- Don't keep your insulin in extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures.
- Never keep insulin in the car, in direct sunlight or in the freezer.
- Check the bottle's expiration date, and discard any insulin that's expired.
- Inspect the bottle before inserting the syringe to make sure the insulin looks as it should.
- Don't use insulin that has formed any crystals or clumps.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Health Tips to Make TV Time Exercise Time
HealthNFitness Tips: You don't have to give up television watching just to lead a more active lifestyle.
Ways to Exercise while you're watching TV:
- Don't use your remote. Instead, get up off the couch to change the channel.
- During commercial breaks, walk up and down the stairs, or walk around the room.
- Work out using a resistance band.
- Invest in a treadmill, so you can work out while you watch.
- Iron your clothes while watching.
- Instead of lounging on the couch, sit on a stability ball.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Health Tips to avoid Asthma Triggers
HealthNFitness Tips: If you're trying to prevent an asthma flare, avoiding things that trigger your breathing problems is a good start.

The Asthma triggers include:
- Allergens such as tree pollen, grasses or molds.
- Colds and other viral infections.
- Exposure to pollutants, tobacco smoke, chemical fumes or perfume.
- Sinus infections.
- Heartburn.
- Exercising.
- Breathing in cold air.
- Stress or strong emotions.